Il Ministro Carrozza auspica che il rapporto PIAAC OECD sia letto dal mondo dell'istruzione e della cultura

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" TUTTI devono leggere questo rapporto
Sto studiando il rapporto PIAAC OECD. Vorrei che il rapporto venisse letto da tutte le componenti del mondo dell'istruzione e della cultura: si tratta di un risultato sconvolgente che ci deve spronare a lavorare seriamente sulla formazione dei giovani e degli adulti. Nella sintesi del rapporto l'Italia è menzionata più volte e mai positivamente. Rispetto ai nostri omologhi giapponesi o finlandesi abbiamo risultati negativi. Occorre una reazione da parte del mondo della politica e non solo: dobbiamo fare dell'istruzione e della formazione il pilastro della nostra politica economica, con coraggio riformatore, dobbiamo chiedere maggiori risorse ma dobbiamo anche cambiare la nostra scuola ". Di seguito si riportano i 6 capitoli del rapporto:


Chapter 1.The Skills Needed for the 21st Century
This chapter introduces the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). It gives a brief overview of how and why the demand for skills has been changing over the past decades. It discusses the advent and widespread adoption of information and communication technologies. The chapter describes how the survey – the first international survey to directly measure skills in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments – can assist policy makers.
Chapter 2.Proficiency in Key Information-Processing Skills among Working-Age Adults
This chapter reveals the level and distribution of proficiency in key information-processing skills among adults in the countries that participated in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). Results are presented separately for literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments. To help readers interpret the findings, the results are linked to descriptions of what adults with particular scores can do.
Chapter 3.The Socio-Demographic Distribution of Key Information-Processing Skills
This chapter examines how proficiency in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments is distributed among individuals according to various socio-demographic characteristics. These include socio-economic background, educational attainment, immigrant and/or foreign-language background, age, gender and type of occupation. 
Chapter 4.How Skills Are Used in the Workplace
This chapter discusses how information-processing and generic skills are used in the workplace. It also reveals the extent of “mismatch” between the qualifications held by workers or their skills proficiency and the qualifications or skills required in their jobs. Qualification and skills mismatch are compared, and their effect on wages and the use of skills at work is assessed.
Chapter 5.Developing and Maintaining Key Information-Processing Skills
This chapter examines the processes and practices that help to develop and maintain skills – and the factors that can lead to a loss of skills. It discusses how age, educational attainment, participation in adult learning activities and engagement in skills-related activities outside of work affect skills proficiency.
Chapter 6.Key Skills and Economic and Social Well-Being
This chapter details how proficiency in literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills is positively associated with other aspects of well-being. These include labour-market participation, employment, earnings, health, participation in associative or volunteer activities, and the belief that an individual can have an impact on the political process.